Friday, July 18, 2008

on to the sonnets

I have written, however successfully, my very first sonnet. I didn’t begin writing it with any particular intention, apart from getting the format right. It turned into a thing all its own as one line came after the other. What I have apparently described is a state in which we all reach at some point, brought upon by any number of things. The times of internal confusion and tribulation are familiar to each and every individual, due to one reason or another. It is how we deal with these encounters from the unwanted that sets us apart from each other. So I suppose, although I didn’t write this with a particular person in mind (apart from myself I guess, as it is written in the first person), it can be for whomever. It is a silly little set of fourteen lines that may or may not alternate hard and soft syllable sounds. But that is okay, because I’ve let this issue go since class on Wednesday.

In Somewhere

My mind is thinking right now as I sit
For to unfold the mysterious ways,
Of that which has thrown me into this pit
Where I fear that I’ll stew, all of my days.
I cannot tell where it is that I’ll be
Despite a mind’s struggle to learn and know,
How it is that despair has clung to me
And now brought upon this heart-wrenching low.
How is it I’ve come to be so clouded
From the happy to the terribly not?
I’ve searched and thought, my poor mind now pounded
This process, it proves to be quite a lot.
Although at this point, the feelings are sad
In time I will rediscover the glad.

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